Discord Digest #11

The Future of Web3 πŸ€” and a Surprise Announcement 🀫

πŸ‘‹ Hola reader

This last week has been exciting for Pesto as we launched our new website πŸ’œ

Do let us know if you have any feedback/suggestions.

Now back to the regular content πŸ‘€

✨ Pesto Corner

What's brewing this weekend?

Prashant Maurya, CEO and Co-Founder of Spheron, is a game-changer in Web3 Space. With his expertise and passion for Web3, Prashant is the perfect person to guide you through the complexities of Web3.

    Here's what you can expect from this session:

    Definition and significance of Web3

    Decentralisation and its benefits

    The evolution of Web3 and its impact on the internet

    Emerging trends in Web3 technology and their implications

    Use cases and real-world applications

    Discussion on the future and potential impact of Web3

    πŸ“£ Surprise Announcement:

    Are you confused about JS Concepts like Promises, Event Listeners?

    Well, we at Pesto are here to help!

    We are super pumped to bring to you the30 Day JavaScript Email Course

    It’s a 30 Day Free intensive program where you will receive an email each day containing:

    • Pre-recorded learning sessions from Fantastic Mentors (Our Very own Pesto Alums).

    • Daily Practise Exercises and exciting Projects.

    • Network with Industry Experts, like-minded Programmers, & grow together via our discord community.

    • Non-negotiables: Positive attitude, grit and infectious energy

    and much much more!

    We will let out the sign-up forms soon.

    Stay Tuned and Keep JavaScripting!

    πŸ€ͺ Meme that got Exclusive Pesto Swag

    We hosted a Meme Creation Contest last week and got interesting submissions on our Discord's #memes channel.

    This is the hilarious creation that took the competition to another level:

    And it’s a wrap! πŸ™Œ

    Keep going Folks,

    You will be proud of yourself a Year later πŸš€

    Cheers,Pesto Community Team